London Olympics 2012...
Below are our articles on the subject of London Olympics 2012. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Funding the 2012 Games
The public funding needed for London to host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games has increased significantly from the initial estimate of £2.375billion....

Legacy of 2012 Games
When the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games have been and gone, London wants a lasting legacy that will benefit east London and beyond....

London 2012 Sustainability Plans
The London 2012 Olympics promise to be the first sustainable Games through the planning, staging and the legacy of benefits that they create....

Safety at the 2012 Games
The London 2012 Olympic Games will require the biggest peacetime security operation in UK history and work has already begun, to make sure the Games go smoothly....

The London 2012 Ceremonies
Olympic ceremonies have come a long way since the first modern Olympiad in 1896 and London 2012 promises spectacular displays of colour and pageantry....

The London 2012 Cultural Olympiad
Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Movement, called the Olympics - the wedding of sport and art - and London 2012 has embraced this belief....

The London 2012 Venues
A mix of new and existing venues will take sport throughout London and beyond during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games....